Everything You Need To Know About Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is a type of hair loss that is common in men. It is also known as androgenetic alopecia or genetic hair loss and can affect men as they age. With time, hair begins to thin and can lead to baldness on some or an entire area of the scalp.

Hair loss usually begins at the temples, the top of the scalp (called the crown) or in the form of a receding hairline.

Hair loss in men is not only physical, it can be psychological. Most men who suffer from male hair loss are extremely unhappy and would do anything to change it.

What causes hair loss in men?

As men with genetic hair loss age, their hair follicles tend to shrink due to the effects of testosterone, androgens and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The combined power of these hormones can break down or make the hair growth phase shorter.  This process is known as genetic hair loss or androgenetic alopecia.

Male Pattern Baldness

In some men, nutritional deficiencies can cause hair loss. A well-balanced diet not only keeps your body healthier but strengthens the hair at the roots. People with thyroid issues often experience hair loss as the testosterone converts to DHT more quickly.

Traumatic stress and unhealthy lifestyle choices can also cause a temporary hair loss known as telogen effluvium.  After the  stressor is removed and/or the unhealthy habit stops, hair loss is typically reversed. However, perpetual bad lifestyle choices may cause permanent hair loss. 

Trichotillomania is a habitual condition caused by stress where the person pulls their hair out unintentionally.  This may lead to scarring alopecia which could become permanent without treatment.

Certain fungal infections or skin diseases can result in hair loss.

Losing hair suddenly may be associated with an underlying health condition. It is always worth seeking medical advice to diagnose the cause of hair loss, as it is not always easy to assess hair loss just by seeing the symptoms.

How to treat male pattern hair loss?

Male Pattern Hair Loss Treatment

It is estimated that male pattern hair loss affects nearly 35% of men in the United States alone. While worldwide there are around 14.2% of female hair loss patients are there. There are certain treatment options for those affected by hair loss, some of which are listed below -


There are certain prescription drugs that treat male pattern baldness. The popular drugs approved by FDA are - Minoxidil and Finasteride. It may take up to a year to see the results after you start taking them.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy is another popular option that helps treat hair loss in men. In laser therapy, the hair loss is treated by reducing inflammation in follicles that keep them from regrowing. However, there are limited studies that show the effectiveness of laser treatment for hair loss.

Hair transplantation

Hair transplantation is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that provides a permanent solution to male pattern hair loss. The procedure is performed by a qualified surgeon at his/her office. The surgeon removes hair follicles from one part of the scalp and implants them to the balding areas. The technique is used commonly today to treat male pattern baldness.

Can I stop male pattern baldness by leading a healthy lifestyle?

Male pattern baldness is sometimes associated with factors like hormones, genes, lifestyle, etc. It may or may not be something you can  stop completely. However, you can take some precautions and preventive measures to slow down the process of hair loss.

There are many issues such as blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol that are linked to early hair loss. Besides, smoking and drinking are linked to shrinking hair follicles, as these habits reduce oxygen supply to the scalp.

A few changes in habits and lifestyle can prevent non-generic forms of hair loss in men at a younger age.

Final Thoughts

Going bald at a young age can be very discouraging and upsetting for young men.  Thankfully, today there is a lot you can do to fight against male pattern baldness. Hair transplantation has advanced a lot over the years. With more and more people opting for hair transplantation and selecting outstanding world renowned best hair transplant doctors, you can feel confident that it will give satisfying results. 


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